About us

The Czech Plato Society was founded in 1997 on the initiative of Aleš Havlíček (1956–2015) on the occasion of an international Platonic conference on Plato’s dialogue Republic and Laws. The main aim of our society is the promotion of the study of Plato’s philosophy. In particular, we organize seminars, conferences and meetings of those interested in Plato’s philosophy, and we publish conference proceedings.

Organizational structure of the society

President: Ondřej Krása
Vice-president: Filip Karfík
Secretary: Veronika Konrádová
Audit Committee: Kryštof Boháček, Štěpán Holub, David Machek

We cooperate with

International Plato Society
Brill publishes proceedings of the international conferences
OIKOYMENH publishes proceedings of the Czech conferences
Long term support from the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic
The conferences are traditionally hosted by Vila Lanna (Prague 6, V Sadech 1) – the accommodation and conference centre of the CAS


e-mail: info@platonskaspolecnost.cz
Billing address: Česká Platónská společnost z. s. IČO: 69781770, náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, Josefov, 110 00 Praha 1
Bank account: 2801490504/2010
Correspondence address: Czech Plato Society, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Nám. J. Palacha 2,116 38 Prague 1